Charity giving back competition 2025

Fortitude Communications’ annual giveaway, worth more than £5,000, offers charities the opportunity to receive professional communications and content support.

About the competition 

Fortitude’s annual giveaway, worth more than £5,000, offers charities the opportunity to receive professional communications and content support. 

The winner will scoop the production of a showcase video, while the runners up will receive a professional photoshoot and a graphic design package. All charities registered in Oxfordshire or delivering positive social impact in the county are eligible to enter. 


Winner: professional video

The winning entry will have a two-minute showcase video produced by Fortitude’s head videographer Thom Airs. The prize covers planning, the creation of a basic storyboard, one filming session, editing and one round of amendments to ensure the finished product is exactly what you’re looking for. 


Professional photoshoot

A professional photoshoot with our Account Manager and photographer Shaun Reynolds. The shoot can cover a specific event or requirement with all images edited to a professional standard and issued in high resolution so photographs can be stored for social media, print and online purposes.

Graphic design package 

A runner up will also receive a tailored graphic design package produced by our Creative Marketing Executive Rosie Teal-Hunt. This prize will be adapted to suit the winner’s preference, with social media, flyer and template options all available within our package.

How to enter 

To enter, please complete the Google Form here with the information detailed below. 

  • Your name, contact details and role at the charity
  • Charity name, address, link to website and your registered charity number
  • What your charity does and why your work is important
  • What would it mean for your charity to win either a video, photoshoot or graphic design package?
  • If any of the prizes could be used to help in a particular way, please let our team know


To be eligible to enter, you must be a charity registered or delivering positive social impact in Oxfordshire. Entries are open now with the closing date set at midnight on Friday, February 28.

A panel of judges at Fortitude will consider all entries and notify the winning charities on Monday, March 17.

Key dates

Competition launch: Monday, January 13th 2025 

Entries close: Friday, February 28th 2025 

Judging: W/C March 3 – W/C March 10th 2025 

Winners announced: W/C March 17th 2025 

Prizes to be delivered by September 30th 2025 

Terms and Conditions 

Please find the Terms and Conditions for Fortitude Communications’ 2025 Charity Giving Back competition here.

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